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Scientific internship
Scientific internship is an important part of the doctoral (Ph.D) study process. During the process of research internship, doctoral students’ knowledge acquired during theoretical training is concretized, consolidated and deepened. The scientific and research internship of a Ph.D doctoral student is carried out with the aim of studying the latest theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of domestic and foreign science, as well as consolidating practical skills in scientific, professional activities, applying modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpreting experimental data in a dissertation research.
The duration of the research internship is at least one month, based on the normative time of the doctoral student’s work in practice during the week, equal to 45 hours.
The content of the research internship is determined by the topic of the doctoral dissertation (Ph.D). It is allowed to pass a research internship, both in the native country and abroad.
To pass a research internship, a doctoral candidate must receive from the Department of Science the following papers:
- Individual work plan;
- Direction letter for scientific research internship;
- Report Form on scientific research internship.
The following documents are attached to the application:
- Personal record, certified at the place of study with a photograph;
- A copy of the diploma of higher education, a copy of the diploma of a candidate or doctor of science (if any), certified by a notary or at the place of study;
- Letter about the direction for internship, signed by the Director of the Science Department, with indicating the goals, expected terms of this scientific practical activity;
- A copy of the passport (the original document is presented by a person when submitting documents);
- Individual work plan;
- Direction letter for scientific research internship;
- Report Form on scientific research internship.
The practice control form is a report. The report is the main document that characterizes Ph.D candidate’s preparedness and professional orientation level.
After finishing the research internship, the doctoral student submits a report in the approved form, a certificate of free form and a transcript with the number of ECTS credits awarded and the assessment for the research internship to the Science Department.
If the doctoral student receives the unsatisfied grade or failure to provide documentation, it will entail the research internship re-passing, leaving for the repeated course or exclusion from the NCEI ARPC “IUK”. The terms and conditions for research internship re-passing are established by the Ph.D Department in each individual case.
Scientific research
The PhD doctoral student research work includes:
- Scientific research (experimental research) work;
- Visiting scientific business trips (including participation in scientific conferences and seminars, internships);
- Scientific publications;
- Writing a doctoral dissertation.
The graduating departments of the NCEI ARPC “IUK” organize the doctoral students’ research work (hereinafter referred to as DSRW).
The dissertation research topics (doctoral dissertations) are approved for Ph.D doctoral students by the specialties within the framework of scientific research programs carried out by faculties and graduating departments’ scientific schools.
The NCEI ARPC “IUK” Science Department issues the orders on the approval of scientific consultants and doctoral dissertations topics in agreement with the heads of majors. Appointment of scientific consultants and doctoral dissertations topics are reviewed and approved by the NCEI ARPC “IUK” Academic Council. The scientific consultant participates in the development and approval of the Ph.D doctoral student’s individual work plans, directs his/her educational and research work and is responsible for the timely and high-quality performance of all types of work provided for by Ph.D doctoral students’ individual work plans. The scientific consultant evaluates the doctoral student’s preparation at least twice a year, if necessary, makes adjustments to his/her individual work plan and brings the relevant information to the Science Department attention.
The Ph.D doctoral student develops and approves individual work plans under the guidance of scientific consultants during the first 2 months of study. It includes the following sections:
- individual plan;
- individual plan of scientific research or experimental research work;
- internship plan;
- dissertation topic with justification and structure;
- a dissertation implementation plan;
- plan of scientific publications approved by the order of the NCEI ARPC “IUK” Rector.
The doctoral student’s research work by the Doctoral program (Ph.D or by profile) must:
- correspond to the main problems of the specialty in which the doctoral dissertation is defended;
- be actual, contain scientific novelty and practical significance;
- be based on modern science and practice theoretical, methodological and technological achievements;
- be based on modern methods of data processing and interpretation using computer technologies;
- be carried out using modern methods of scientific research;
- contain research (methodological, practical) sections on the main protected points.
The Ph.D doctoral student experimental research work by the doctor program profile should:
- correspond to the main problems of the specialty in which the doctoral dissertation is defended;
- be actual, contain scientific novelty and practical significance;
- be based on the modern achievements in science, technology and production and contain specific practical recommendations, independent solutions of complex, inter-functional nature management problems;
- be performed using advanced information technologies;
- contain experimental and research (methodological, practical) sections on the main protected points.
The results of scientific research, experimental research work are drawn up in the form of a brief report by a Ph.D doctoral student at the end of each period of their passage.
Final examination
General requirements, rules for the abstract preparation of a doctoral dissertation can be found in the the Ph.D doctoral studies or doctoral studies by the profile Department Regulations of NCEI ARPC “IUK”.
The doctoral candidate’s final attestation is carried out within the terms, stipulated by the calendar schedule and curricula of majors in the form of defending a doctoral dissertation in accordance with the requirements for awarding academic degrees based on the Ph.D doctoral studies or doctoral studies by the profile Department Regulations.