For graduates - Eastern Campus of the International University of Kyrgyzstan

For graduates

Information for Graduates


A doctoral programs graduate with the degree award of “Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)”, in accordance with the goals of the doctoral program and the objectives of professional activity, must have a set of competencies, formulated by the university on the Dublin descriptors basis, in particular:

  • demonstrate a systematic understanding in the field of study, mastery in the field of skills and research methods in the field of study;
  • demonstrate the ability to create, design, implement and adapt sound research processes with the scientific integrity;
  • contribute through original research that goes beyond existing knowledge, by creating significant results, some of which are recognized nationally and internationally;
  • demonstrate the ability to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas;
  • demonstrate the ability to communicate in their field with peers, the wider scientific community and society as a whole;
  • demonstrate the ability to contribute into the development of academic, professional, technical, social and cultural processes in the interests of a scientific society.