- Eastern Campus Faculty
- Doctorate (PhD)
- Department of Education
- Dean’s Office of the Master
- Monitoring and Quality Department
- International Department
- Center for cultural, educational and educational work
- Department of Science
- Department of Information Technology and Digitalization
- State Language Development Service
- Multimedia Institute of Distance Education
- Human Resources Department
- Accounting department
- Science Library
- Development Department
- Maintenance sector
- Wellness complex
- Archive

Director of the Monitoring and Quality Department:
Khalilova Marina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Address: room. 512, 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Phone: 0312 64 23 55
E-mail: omk.iuk@gmail.com
Leading Specialist of the Monitoring and Quality Department:
Kurmanbekova Aizhan Anarbekovna
Address: room. 511, 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Phone: 0312 64 23 54
E-mail: omk.iuk@gmail.com
The Monitoring and Quality Department priority activity is the constant monitoring and coordination of the educational process, the development of the university’s activities in managing and ensuring the quality of education, in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes and international recognition.
The Monitoring and Quality Department’s goal is to maintain, evaluate and improve the quality of educational services continuously, including the creation of monitoring and forecasting system, formation of an information-analytical and educational-methodological base, mechanisms for internal and external control of the university activity indicators, as well as prevention of possible risks.
The Monitoring and Quality Department includes strategically important departments:
- Educational and Methodological Department and the EMD sector at the International School of Medicine.
- Monitoring and Quality Department and Monitoring and Quality Sector at the International School of Medicine.
- Practice and Additional Education Department.
The Monitoring and Quality Department is guided in its activities by the state and local regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic that determine the work of higher educational institutions, as well as the international standard ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015).
- Regulations on the Monitoring and Quality Department (MQD)
- Job descriptions for MQD employees
- Education quality assurance policy
- Quality objectives
- Plan for conducting the education quality internal monitoring at the NCEI ARPC “IUK” for the 2021-2022 academic year.